The Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law, ISSN 2164-6937*, invites authors to submit articles for publication. The Journal publishes work by practitioners, academics, students, and other individuals. Topics must focus primarily on intellectual property or business law, and be cited according to the Bluebook in order to be considered for publication.
Because the Journal is published four times annually, submissions are welcomed and reviewed year-round. Additionally, the Journal publishes an annual Symposium issue focused on a specific topic of interest. Typically, the Symposium issue is comprised of articles written by speakers who participate in the Symposium, although relevant work by other authors may be considered.
If you are interested in submitting to the Journal, you may do so either through Scholastica using the button below, Expresso, or submitting directly to the Journal‘s Manuscripts Editor. Please include with your submission a curriculum vitae and a cover letter describing the piece. Submissions sent electronically should be in either Microsoft Word (preferred) or WordPerfect format; footnotes are preferred over endnotes.
Submissions may be sent via email to the Manuscripts Editor at [email protected], or via regular mail to:
Manuscripts Editor
Wake Forest Journal of Business and Intellectual Property Law
Wake Forest University School of Law
P.O. Box 7206, Reynolda Station
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
The Editorial Board receives and reviews each submission. Articles judged worthy of publication are further reviewed by a member of the Board of Advisors. Final publication decisions are made by the Editorial Board in conjunction with the Board of Advisors and the Faculty Advisor.
Please send any questions about the Journal, the submission and review process, or potential article topics to Editor-in-Chief Allie Krusniak, [email protected].