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Of Experimentology: A Genealogical Deconstruction of Invention in Patent Law’s Enablement Requirement

Published onAug 07, 2022
Of Experimentology: A Genealogical Deconstruction of Invention in Patent Law’s Enablement Requirement

18 Wake Forest J. Bus. & Intell. Prop. L. 40

In Part II of this Article, I provide an overview of the enablement
requirement within the larger context of patent law, while situating the
concepts of “invention” and “experimentation” within and around the
enablement requirement. In Part III of the Article, I provide an
overview of key Derridean concepts and terminology which will be
employed in my reading of the “text” of enablement law. In Part IV, I
trace the genealogy of the enablement requirement from its inception,
including the interplay between the inventive and the non-inventive,
while deconstructing inventive oppositions. There follows a short
conclusion in Part V.

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